What Is Ip Address?
- By sandeshacharya
- July 20, 2014
- No Comments
IP Address is a way of communicating between your computer, laptop or devices to the web server. It is internet protocol labeled numerical value which identifies from where you are viewing the internet server and what you wanted to search out.
Ip address determines what your local time is and the temperature in your region. It also determines the weather in your local region and other thing. Ip address is a code or number which identifies from which country; city and place are you using the internet. ip address finds out what the local time in your place is (your ip address).
Ip address is a unique identifiable number which is a two way of connecting and communicating data’s and information send by the user. When you connect to the internet to your device, your device is assigned a unique binary number but identifiable by the user (readable) in decimal representation.
For example, if you send a mail to a friend or send messages from any of the browser, your computer uses a unique identifier protocol or number to communicate and send the messages or e-mail to that specific computer operating on a network.
Today almost all of the computers or network on the internet uses the standard TCP/IP as a means to communicate to other network. In the meantime, this TCP/IP which is the standard and identifiable code number (usually a binary number) is known as the Ip address. Ip address is a route or path to exchange data to another computer connected to network.
There are usually two types of ip address based on changeable or non changeable address namely static and dynamic ip address and based on protocol or data base , ip address is classified as iv4 and iv6 address.
There is mainly two basic principal or function of the Ip address: one is the identification of the host or network interface and next one is the finding or addressing the location. It is also finding path to get somewhere.
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