Types Of Ip Address: IV4 & IV6
- By sandeshacharya
- July 20, 2014
- No Comments
There are usually two types of standard ip address namely static and dynamic ip address and according to version : IP version 4 i.e. IP4 and IP version 6 i.e. IP6.
Most or all of the computer or devices uses mainly IV4 address and nowadays newer version of the protocol is also being used which is the IV6 address due to the enormous growth of the internet users and its networking protocol.
IV4 is the most common version of the ip address used by most of the devices for sending and receiving the data and information from one network to another network.
IV4 is a 32 bit digital code consisting of 8 octets which creates a single and unique number to address the network. It’s a series of four number separated by a dot (.) to identify the users protocol address. It can assign 2^32 (i.e. 4294967296) address space sequences to communicate the data between different users i.e. from one network to another network.
IV4 is most helpful for maintaining the private address and the multicast address. IV4 consists of four decimal numbers each ranging from 0 to 255 numbers separated by a dot.
The IV4 is represented by for example by in decimal number which is easily accessible and readable by the user. However the data are actually passed in the binary notation which becomes out to be: 10101100.00010000.11111110.00000001
Due to the large growth of the internet users which has reached climax in passing the data between the networks, a 128 bit address space was developed in 1995 and centralized in 1998 and still in use today.
It is a group of eight hexadecimal number (base-16) separated by a colon (:) as 2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652. Groups of numbers that contain all zeros are often omitted to save space, leaving a colon separator to mark the gap (as in 2001:cdba::3257:9652).
IV4 has 232 possible combinations, which offers just fewer than 4.3 billion unique addresses. IP6 raised that to a panic-relieving 2128 possible addresses.
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